Picking the right marathon training plan

How do you evaluate a marathon training plan for something you have never done before? I asked a couple marathon finishers:

Michelle gave me some advice I hadn’t really thought about … nutrition. More on that as I start cranking up my weekly mileage.

Have you checked your feet?

Steve had a different perspective on marathon training having ran his first marathon, NYC in 2017 :

Do you need a coach?

Another friend of mine is bad ass and has run the NYC marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon plus multiple Iron Man races. He also hosts THE podcast helping busy physical therapists stay informed @PTPintcast

His advice, whatever plan you pick get yourself a coach. Why? Talking out what’s going on each week keeps you accountable to someone other than yourself. They’ll also help you pin point what could be affecting your training like less sleep, or nutrition.

So, which training plan?

Have you run a marathon? What worked for you? I’m on the doorstep of starting my formal training plan and any advice would be appreciated before I make the decision. Two front runners are the NYRR Virtual Training Plan and Hal Higdon’s Novice Plan.

Capturing sights on the run

I always like to include a picture worthy spot on my runs. I just wrestle my phone out of the arm band and take a pic. It gives you a needed lift and something else to look forward to. I’ll close out each blog with a favorite. Have a good run and I’ll see you on the trail. – Chris

Sunrise over Miller's Pond in Suffolk County NY
Sunrise on Miller’s Pond during my morning run

Read on for tips about running in the rain