
What to do when you are injured and training for a marathon. The training to run the @nycmarathon hasn’t even begun and you are sidelined by an injury. I expected at some point I would deal with an injury, but not before my training even started. Here’s how to navigate it.

Working on my flow at the skate park before I caught a pebble and bailed.

The absence of the routine is a challenge. So much of your energy, from what you eat, to the time you wake up, to the weather are woven into your training. Now, it’s not. You need a new goal of RICE. 





And with that you’ll need to adjust your caloric intake, keep your mind sharp, and use that energy to stay focused on healing and getting better. When you start feeling down Anne Francis has a look at the science of post injury depression and why it comes on.

Multiple Boston Marathon finisher and Afternoon Driver at Boston’s Classic Rock 100.7 WZLX Chuck Nowlin: “Build your mileage up, and if you get hurt, rest. Don’t try to run through the pain it will just get worse. I had a partially torn meniscus that I tried wrapping and running through, bad idea.”

Prevailing – Injury, Post Race

So, how do you turn the corner? The depression is real and Amanda Loudin’s post will give you 7 Ways to Overcome the Runner Blues When You Are Struggling

Getting back at it

Now the challenge is building back up without re-injuring your injury. Rachel Basinger has some good strategies to get back at it.

Keep the injury from happening in the first place

Women’s Running breaks down the Top 5 things you can do. (As always you should get a doctor’s blessing on your recovery plan).

Capturing sights on the run

I always like to add in a spot along the run that’s picture worthy. Here’s a pic from my favorite spot on the run. This was taken at Miller’s Pond in Suffolk County NY. It’s going to be another week or two before I begin slowly getting out there again, So, get a good run in for me o.k.?

Sunrise run

Previous post: Why you should run in the rain